the interesting idea... the start of this project... the conversations to come

I'm a member of Post Crossing, the internet site for postcard exchange. I sent a card to another Post Crosser, Ilona from Germany. She asked that people tell her which magical power they would like to have. Her question really made me think!

In turn, I thought it would be an interesting project to ask people to pose Thought-Provoking Questions. I would do my best to answer with my opinion, and I would encourage others to add theirs.

And, so was born this blog! I hope that it will be the home for many interesting conversations in the year ahead!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I'll bet the man on this card has seen some changes in his days. The question here is

If you could turn back time to change something, what would it be?

Change the way we treat each other? To one of more respect and compassion... that would probably require rewiring human DNA!

1 comment:

  1. what about an action that you have done? would you change something?
