the interesting idea... the start of this project... the conversations to come

I'm a member of Post Crossing, the internet site for postcard exchange. I sent a card to another Post Crosser, Ilona from Germany. She asked that people tell her which magical power they would like to have. Her question really made me think!

In turn, I thought it would be an interesting project to ask people to pose Thought-Provoking Questions. I would do my best to answer with my opinion, and I would encourage others to add theirs.

And, so was born this blog! I hope that it will be the home for many interesting conversations in the year ahead!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's not the EASY button, that's for sure!

But it's an easy answer, for me! Stacy from Ohio wants to know this:

If you had a magic button that would anonymously eliminate from the face of the earth anyone you wished, would you use it? Why or why not?

First, it's an easy answer for me: nope.

Second, it's a hard button to even consider pushing. I'm grateful that she didn't ask WHOM I would eliminate. That would be impossible to answer.

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