From the Netherlands comes this question:
What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
I think that for most people, some physical calamity is the first thing that springs to mind: disease, injury, impairment. And, I have to say, I have thought of that. I am a writer and an editor and most important of all, a reader; I fear losing my sight. But I know there are ways around that.
The world has been riveted by the story of the Chilean miners' rescue, so even though such a fate (had things turned out otherwise) would be a "worst thing," I know that the real odds of a similar even happening in my life are really slim.
So, what IS the worst thing I could imagine? I think, in the end, the worst thing I could imagine is living a life without love. I have had the enormous good fortune to be loved by some amazing people, and not having had that would truly be a "worst thing."